Sydney sky last week: massive cloud & rain on the left side of the picture, and clear blue sky on the right. The Spring season in Sydney has not officially arrived yet, with gale force wind weather warning issued for several days. The weather this week has turned for the better, but the wind and chill sometimes keep me hibernating at home.
Wesley Fair'09 in Pitt St on 8th October:
It was really packed and all sorts of merchandises were on sale. I was volunteering in the kids' entertainment department, where I learned how to make a dog-shaped balloon :)
The garlic I planted around a month ago:
Few mins ago as I tried to log in to twitter, this appeared:
This "Fail whale" was created by Yiying Lu who was featured in 7th October edition of the Central magazine (click here). I've been wanting to see it "live", so I couldn't resist taking a screen cap of it :p
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